Legal Matter

Legal matter is particularly important in the society of today, especially in the field of media. It is your responsibility to be aware of the rules and regulations related to media creation when you work on your piece. Any submissions that FEE finds to be in legal doubt will be ineligible to win the International Competition. If you have any doubts on this matter, please contact the National Operator in your country or YRE International head office.

Use of Music for Video Entries

It is illegal to copy or otherwise infringe upon the rights of copyright-protected music, photos and text, without the written permission of the copyright rights-holder. Obtaining music licenses to permit the use of copyright-protected material, even for a not-for-profit video, can be problematic. As such, it is strongly recommended that you do not use copyright protected music in a video entry.

Please note that many platforms currently review whether uploaded videos use copyright-protected work. Work found to be using copyright-protected material is usually detected by copyright bots and suspended from the platform. In some countries, infringement of copyright law is enforced, and punishable by hefty fines and a criminal record. Please be aware of your national copyright laws. TIP: Young Reporters might know some young musicians who can create their own original musical score.

As an alternative, you can resort to the YouTube Audio Library, which offers royalty-free tracks made available for any not-for-profit creative purpose, and do not require written permission from the rights-holder.

Music may also be published under an open content licensing scheme, such as the Creative Commons license. There are still terms, conditions and restrictions applicable for music taken from the above sources, so please ensure these are fully observed and there is no copyright infringement in your video entry.

Please find the full Terms & Conditions

Ethics for Visual Journalism

The National Press Photographers Association is a professional society that promotes the highest standards in visual journalism. They have created a Code of Ethics that is very relevant for YRE students who report through photography and videography in particular:

Use of Images in Articles and Video

When using imaged in articles or videos, it is important to ensure that they can legally be used and shared by others. Open source and Creative Commons licensed images may be used, as long as attribution and/or the source is provided through footnotes or a bibliography.


When conducting interviews or taking photographs of people, it is important to received informed consent from your subject. Therefore, make sure to explain why you’d like to interview or photograph them beforehand. You should explain what their interview or photo will be used for (National or International YRE Competition) , and where you plan to share your final work.