Litter Less Campaign Project Shines at the 70th Anniversary Celebration of the UNESCO ASPnet!

Last Wednesday, November 8th, the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) hosted an event to celebrate its 70th anniversary. A strong partner of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) for several years, ASPnet schools are actively engaged through the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programme and the Litter Less Campaign. This celebratory event served to showcase the transformative practices of students and teachers from around the world who are all committed to building more peaceful and sustainable societies.

The Litter Less Campaign was also highlighted during this event through the innovative e-waste campaign “The Forgotten Fortune” from Ibn Khuldoon National School in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The project was spearheaded by the Ms Huda Labib, who has shown outstanding initiative and creativity in empowering her students to develop and implement the e-waste campaign. Her student Ms Halah Noor won the ASPnet international competition part of the Young Reporters for the Environment. She wrote a very compelling article on e-waste, which got published in the Gulf News.

Halah and Ms. Huda Labib presented their school’s efforts to raise awareness on e-waste, and  Ms. Labib reflected on the experience, sharing that,

“Thanks to the Litter Less Campaign, my students came to embrace new ways of thinking, involving other students, teachers, parents, and the community at large, fostering a sense of collaboration and engagement for the environment. Through the campaign we managed to collect over 1.6 tons of electronic waste, which are now being recycled.”

You can learn more about their fantastic project in the video below.

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