International youth photo festival "Environment in Transition"

The Youth Art school Marzahn-Hellersdorf and the environmental education center Kienbergpark organize the international youth photo festival "Environment in Transition”.

Students (from several schools and universities) and professional photographers show their view of the world through nature, environmental and social photography.

In exciting online-workshops, school classes get to know the perspectives and working methods of young photographers. After discussing the image content and the presented environmental issues, the participants can get creative themselves in a variety of ways, using cameras and smartphones.

In a “future lab”, students can become an active part for possible further projects and discuss and plan event formats and think about what the next youth photo festival can look like.

We offer advanced training for multipliers. Here we fathom the possibilities of the medium of photography in terms of media literacy and digitization.

Due to the current events, all actions will take place online.