Join the Jamboree Denmark 2022 as an Environmental Reporter!

Are you a YRE student who is part of the global Scouts network?

Are you 15 or older and an opinion leader?

Do you care about environmental issues and are interested in photography, writing or videography?


Spejdernes Lejr 2022, in collaboration with the Young Reporters for Environment programme (YRE), are inviting youth to not only participate in the Jamboree Denmark 2022, but also to experience it through the lens of an environmental journalist!

This summer, more than 40,000 Scouts and Guides from the whole world participate in the biggest Jamboree in the Nordic countries. Jamboree Denmark 2022 will take place near Copenhgaen from the 23rd-31st of July and is organized by five Danish Scout and Guides associations and more than 4,000 volunteers who have created more than 200 fun and educational activities under the theme ‘Our Common Future’.

Want to Practice Your Journalism Skills?

Be an Environmental Journalist at Jamboree Denmark 2022!

Through the collaboration with the YRE programme, you will also have the opportunity to act as an environmental journalist during the Jamboree! This means you’ll get to interview Jamboree participants, take photos, and create videos that focus on and raise awareness about environmental issues, such as litter and waste, climate change and loss of biodiversity. Your stories will then be shared through various media channels (Facebook, Instagram, various websites) and help raise public awareness about environmental challenges. At the end of the Jamboree, you will get a certificate from the international YRE programme. There are only 45 spots for environmental journalists at Jamboree Denmark 2022 so make sure to register below!


There are only 45 spaces available, so get ready!

Registration to be an environmental journalist for the Jamboree Denmark 2022 open on February 16 and close on May 31st.

Don’t Forget to Prepare!

To help you polish up your journalism skills and make sure you’re ready to be an environmental journalist at the Jamboree, you can participate in three Environmental Journalism courses to help polish up your reporting skills! These courses are for free and will be available online through FEE Academy from May to June 2022. You can find more information below.

Ready to get started? Find out what’s happening when below!

Want more details about the different activities? You can find more information here.