YRE & YouthMundus

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FEE is partnering with Inner Voice Artists (IVA) to support YouthMundus - a new, environmentally conscious global short content and music festival, specifically designed for the world’s youth and inspired by the SDGs, which is taking place 14-24 November 2019 in Rome, Italy.

The festival is organised by Inner Voice Artists (IVA) - a global media and entertainment company whose mission is to inspire and help create more opportunities for underrepresented voices within the areas of film, television, music, commercials and endorsements. The company’s goal is to ensure equal representation, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, social status, age or language.

The three educational programmes of FEE (YRE, Eco-schools and LEAF) will assist the development of different festival activities, seminars and workshops related to education for sustainable development and will help encourage people to take environmental action during the festival.

YRE students will also participate in the festival where they will do interviews and report on the different events through articles, photos and videos.