Meet the YRE going to World Environmental Education Congress 2019

The World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) is an international conference focusing on education for environment and sustainability. This 10th Congress is the first of its kind to be held in Asia under the theme of Local Knowledge, Communication and Global Connectivity. A highly relevant theme for YRE!

WEEC will take place in Bangkok, Thailand from 3-7 November 2019 and below you can read about the inspiring YRE students who will be reporting from the congress.


Bhargav Patel (India)

I’m a 3rd year undergrad student pursuing a Bachelor of technology in the field of Information and Communication Technology from Ahmedabad University, India. My areas of interest involve Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and AI for sustainability. I am the co-founder and elected secretary of the Environment Club at Ahmedabad University. The objective of the club is to organize activities that spread awareness towards the environment and sustainable development in a fun way. Due to my interest in technology and continuous efforts, I was selected as a Facilitator for Google’s Explore ML program and Microsoft Student Partner. Currently, I am involved in the environmental community to get a better understanding of real-life problems and the technical community to find where and how technology can help to find solutions.


Eunice Tan (Singapore)

I’m Eunice! I’m a filmmaker and I care deeply about the environment. It started in 2017 when I made a video series about local efforts to protect wildlife in Singapore. I’ve always been interested in the environment growing up, but seeing our amazing biodiversity up-close convinced me that I had to do more. Climate change is in the global spotlight and I truly believe that there is no better time primed for change than now. That's why I hope that telling stories through film and photography can make a positive impact.


Qiyun Woo (Singapore)

My name is Qiyun, I'm an Environmental Studies major with an interest in circular economy, creative social impact and systems-level change. I enjoy breaking down complex problems into opportunities, and am highly motivated to drive systemic change and social impact. I make infographics on Instagram (@theweirdandwild) to show people that sustainability and living consciously is vibrant and easy, and show that complex concepts can be digestible. I’m a creative spirit and I’m on a mission to create exciting experiences and forge new ways of looking at sustainability.

I'm very involved in the environmental community in Singapore and am a youth sustainability advocate. I was also the president of the Environmental Studies student club in my university. I strongly believe in community-driven initiatives to push for social change - the more innovative the better :) 


Loraine Lee Yen (Singapore)

Hello! I’m studying Communications and New Media in NUS, and would like to be in the media industry in the future. I believe that the media plays an important role in shaping people’s mindsets, and want to use my skills in writing for good to ensure we protect our planet home. Hence, I hope to delve more into the topic of sustainability, to learn while at the same time, influencing others to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle!

Young Reporters from Turkey

A YRE team from Izmir Saint-Joseph French School, Turkey will also be at the World Environmental Education Congress. They will report on activities, write articles, and take photos during the conference. In one of the academic sessions, the leader of the team will present a research paper which was produced as part of a YRE project of the school.   

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