
Litter Less Campaign students from several schools in Spain created highly effective media campaigns.

The campaign that has had the most impact is the one developed by the Manuel Riquelme school in Orihuela (Alicante). They launched a campaign called “Desplastify Yourself”, whose objective is to raise awareness in all the schools in the municipality to achieve a significant reduction in the consumption of single-use plastics in the educational centers of this community. The campaign has been promoted in the local media, and several schools in the municipality have progressively enrolled in it.

An article and video about the campaign were published in the local news (in Spanish):


Enrique Soler school in Melilla launched an initiative called “Plastics on the Frozen Continent,” a campaign to raise awareness about the presence of plastics in the oceans that eventually reach Antarctica. The school invited scientists and military personnel who carry out research campaigns in Antarctica every year to speak about the issue. Thanks to this, they started to set up a Sea Museum in the educational center itself. Melilla is one of the two Spanish cities located in North Africa, on the Strait of Gibraltar. This area is home to vast marine biodiversity, and the students at this school have been collecting biological samples, waste and information on the various impacts that our seas suffer in order to raise awareness and build valuable educational resources to interpret what is happening in our seas. Thanks to the Litter Less Campaign, the Enrique Soler school continues to give life to their museum of the sea. The students collect waste and biological samples from this area with the greatest biodiversity in the Mediterranean.

The students produced a video for their Plastics on the Frozen Continent campaign:
