On Wednesday the 30th of November and Thursday the 1st of December, the students carried out a waste collection mission on the Mugel beach in La Ciotat.

Armed with gloves and garbage bags, they paced the beach in search of waste. They were surprised to find household waste coming from the pipes, such as cotton buds.

After the collection, all the waste was categorized and recorded using a detailed sheet containing the different categories of waste (plastic bags, cans, bottle stoppers, cigarettes ...).

The data sheets were then sent to the Observatory for Waste in the Water Environment (ODEMA). The ODEMA made it possible to rank the amount of waste by type. Unsurprisingly, it was plastic that was number one.

This output showed that the waste is not static and can go a long way before ending up on our beaches ... Now it is up to the students to go back to the source and identify precisely where it comes from.